Archives:Resources: Fan Gatherings

NOTE: To see how to get your fan art archived, see CFAB FAQ
Resource type: Webring
Get publicity for your fan art gallery! Join this webring and you'll get more hits to your site. NOTE: Make sure to read the requirments before signing up.
Resource type: Database
That's right! CFAB's own twin site, where you can find hundreds of links to any comic book fan fic your heart desires.
Resource type: Archive
Submissions considered:Yes
Wow! If you want a neat-o place to submit your work, this is definitely it!
A HUGE gallery of fan art ranging from pencilling to sequential art of any
comic book you can think of. Easy to navigate and quick to download. Simply amazing.
Resource type: Archive
Created by CFAN's maintainter Kielle, this site archives art depicting original fan fic characters.
NOTE: This site is not updated often, so do not submit art there without asking Kielle first.
Resource type: Archive
Neo x takes suggestions of your original
character(s) (X-related or not) and artists draw them. We
provide a forum for critique and ideas. We also have
original stories dealing with the "children" of the X-Men: Neo X
Resource type: Community
Ready to see fic and fan come alive? Visit Kielle's Subreality, browse through different places, and see the fan art (click the Subreality Central button). Very...odd place. Fic writers are odd. ;)
Resource type: Webring
Get publicity for your fan art gallery! Join this webring and you'll get more hits to your site. NOTE: Make sure to read the requirments before signing up.

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Disclaimer: All entertainment properties and recognizable characters/concepts mentioned or utilized above are the legal property of their respective creators. All site concepts and original characters/style related to the above links are the intellectual property of their artists. All rights reserved. CFAB is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by any existing comic-book publishing company. CFAB is a not-for-profit project, and the settings of certain canon fictional universes is used without the permission of its creators. All stories included within these sites are freely distributable via print or electronic means, provided no content is altered within the story and that you send out some email to nicely thank the artists for their hard work. :) Any sale for profit of any artwork linked to this page without the express written consent of the artist of said artwork is strictly prohibited.(Based on Disclaimer by Kielle)