Why, at....
1)Try the new message board Artistic Critique. A little slow right now, but it's picking up momentum.
The Gallery, a mailing list that gives you the opportunity to post your fan art for critiques and reciprocate the favor to fellow fan-artists. Make sure to read the
rules first.
3)A comic book convention. Keep a lookout for these treasure troves of constructive criticism. Guest pro artists are usually amenable to veiwing and critiquing art. Be sure to have only 5-10 samples in a nice, easy-to-view portfolio. Too shy? Then try...
4) Us! Quin and Glockgal are both fellow fanartists, and if you're looking for a critique one-on-one (and if you think we're good enough to critique your work) then by all means e-mail and ask.
"No!I have a different question!"
Voice all you concerns here:
What can I submit? | 
Where do I submit? | 
What happens now?
What We're Looking For--a checklist.
1)A fan art archive.
- It can be part of a bigger site, or a site completely dedicated to fan art alone.
- It can be an archive of your personal work or a collection of various artists.
2)Comic book fan art.
- It must have, somewhere in the archive, comic book fan art. Having original characters, non-comic book characters are okay, as long as there is some(3+ pieces) comic book fanart located somehwere on you site.
3)"Westernized" fan art.
- Yeehawww dawgie! No, we don't mean cowboy art only. ;p
- We want archives that are not exclusively manga/anime. There are enough hubsites out there to take care of the manga sites, and we don't intend to become another one.
- However, manga-esque interpretations of "westernized" comic book characters is quite acceptable.
- 4)Slash/hentai fan art.
- Very accepatable, and quite encouraged! *Glockgal is shameless*
- 5)A Resource Site
- You site must be one of three things:
- A mailing list, message board or webring
- A how-to-draw,tutor,advice site
- A fan gathering site--this means links pages, communities anything fan-based
Of course, the last rquirement is quite broad and will be dealt with on an individual basis between archivist and the CFAB web-mistresses.
If you have a Resource page, submit here.
- 6)Linking to CFAB.
- Once you are posted in CFAB, it is highly suggestable that you also link to CFAB. This, of course, is your choice, but...well...you know.... You can find out how to link here.
Ready to submit your kick-arse archive? Have you read the Submissions checklist? You better have.
Fan art archivists submit here:

Resource page maintainers submit here:
Already submitted? Now we will:
1)Review you site for appropriate content.
2) E-mail you saying you've been approved, and a big, warm thank you.
3) Post your link in the next update.
All we ask is for you to be patient. Reviewing and updating take time, so don't get upset if you don't see your page the next day. Don't worry, it will get up there. Alrighty!
Link to CFAB
Aww, you wanna link to us? We have provided some buttons and banners to use, as well as the HTML code. Simply right click on the image you want, save it onto your desktop and upload it into your site directory. DO NOT take the image directly off of this page. If we find out, your site will immediately be taken off of CFAB. And Glockgal ain't named that because she just likes to look of guns. ;p
(HTML code-- cut and paste the code below onto the page you're using the link on. Don't forget to change the image to the one you've chosen.) |
<!---code starts here---!>
<font size="-1">
A member of:<br>
<A HREF="https://hubsite.tripod.com/cfab.html">
<IMG SRC="http://your_site_/image.gif" height="40"
alt=" CFAB-Your Comicbook Fanart Archive huBsite">
<!---code ends here---!>
For example, it should look like this, using the "cfab1.jpg" image:
A member of:
Also, if ya got the knack, feel free to play with the shape and size of the button/banner. You can also change the "A member of" part of the link to suit your own tastes. Have a ball!

The Banners and Buttons:
Eiwwwiee! Where are the good banners and buttons? These ones are lame.
Get more beautiful choices here.

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Disclaimer: All entertainment properties and recognizable characters/concepts mentioned or utilized above are the legal property of their respective creators. All site concepts and original characters/style related to the above links are the intellectual property of their artists. All rights reserved. CFAB is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by any existing comic-book publishing company. CFAB is a not-for-profit project, and the settings of certain canon fictional universes is used without the permission of its creators. All stories included within these sites are freely distributable via print or electronic means, provided no content is altered within the story and that you send out some email to nicely thank the artists for their hard work. :) Any sale for profit of any artwork linked to this page without the express written consent of the artist of said artwork is strictly prohibited.(Based on Disclaimer by Kielle)